Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Comic Sans Like A Boss

I’m having one of those days where either I have too much to say to narrow into a blog-shaped bundle of words or far, far too little. Knowing the way my brain works, it’s actually probably a little bit of both, which makes no sense, I know, but on the other hand, shut your face.
This is day 30 of continuous writing for yours truly. Not too shabby, though part of tonight’s aimlessness is just good old-fashioned exhaustion.

 I am gleaning some interesting insights from this daily writing experiment. One, that whole “I can’t go on/flail” impulse just sort of evaporates if I ignore it long enough. Second, The Magic Spreadsheet is awesome. Third, I really need to work on learning how to stick to a story. I tend to get frustrated and bored when I don’t know what to do next with my story, which invites pissing off for the new story. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Sticking to it makes me anxious as fuck. I guess a part of me is just afraid of showing the world just how very much I don’t know what I’m doing. Today, however, I got the perfect reminder of just how silly that preoccupation is while researching elected officials for my job.

Comic Sans. On an honest-to-tapdancing-christ official government website. Somebody greenlit that.
Somebody with a serious, grown-up government job greenlit that font. On an official website, lest you skipped that part of the last paragraph.  On a page of contact info for elected officials. No shit.
You might be asking yourself right now, who actually gives a fuck?

Well, the correct answer would be “pretty much nobody,” but that’s not the point. The point is that Comic Sans on a website is an iconic amateur move. What Comic Sans was to me at that moment, stuck in my drab little gray cubicle of doom, was a sign. It was a sign that mostly people just sort of pretend to know what they’re doing, with varying degrees of success. But every so often the façade drops just long enough to show the truth of the matter. We’re all making it up as we go along.

I can do that just as well as anyone and in a much better font.

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